
This tool was reviewed by :  Lysanne de Water
The Good : You can synchronise it with your mobile device, which is useful. It’s easy to use and it has clear functions. It’s quick and easy and you can share your notes and other things in multiple ways. Excellent search capabilities. The design looks simple and clean.
The Bad :
Some features from the application (pc) and mobile app are not found in Web app. When you are storing images that you find online, it makes them into a note, where I expected to get a folder with images.
The Bottom line : It is useful, interesting, easy to use and I do think it is a helpful tool for designers. You can take your notes/inspiration/photos /etc. with you everywhere you go. Evernote is a great note-taking and organizational program.

Rated with 4 stars.

(objective info)
Name tool :
Evernote – “Onthoud alles.”
download here


Overview notes.


Atlas, shows where you were when you made the note.


It is possible to share your notes. Evernote also shows you other applications and functions in this screen.

* what is it : application | scriptonline tool | platform | other
* what is it for ? : video | image processing | writing | website making & posting | animation | other
   available export formats are ? : None, but there is an option to share your notes on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, email, etc.
* this tool functions : online | after download and install | both
* this tool is available for : Linux | Windows | Mac | iOS | Android | other
* this tool is : Free Speech | Free Beer
* does this tool have a paid version available?  yes | no
If yes, what are the benefits of the paid version over the free version?

  • More space,
  • Larger file sizes
  • Live chat for support
  • Search function in pdf
  • Hide ads
  • View notebooks off-line on your phone

These are quite useful extra’s if you use this application a lot.


(subjective info)

The user interface
It has an easy interface, basic with not too many functions. Everything is pretty self explanatory and easy to follow, there is also a clear video online that shows you all the functions Evernote has.

Tutorials / Instructions
On a scale from 1 to 5 the tutorial was:

useful / helpful :  ****
clear :  *****
quick and easy to understand :  *****

Evernote tutorial

What notable things do other users say about this tool?

Great app, not worth the terms of service.

Great app for organizing and keeping track of things as they happen, however the terms clearly states they can use, modify and distribute anything you upload for purposes of the site and sell to partners. Again, GREAT app… not worth it to me.

Published on March 28, 2011 by Brian T.

Memory like a fish

Don’t get me wrong, I love Evernote. however, my Kindle Fire just ran out of juice while I was taking a note and I lost the last 3 hours of note taking. this would never happen on my iPad or on my desktop. What a terrible bug, making this app unreliable and worthless. How unfortunate. I guess we are expected to save and reopen a note every so often.
Go ahead and get the app if you are a loyal Evernote user. but be prepared to lose notes in the event of a minor catastrophe, such as a forced shut down by low battery.

Published on December 29, 2011 by Metagrapher.
Testing the tool (showing an important function for designers/students)

Web Clipper is an easy way to save inspiration etc.

Web Clipper is an easy way to save inspiration etc.

install the add-on.

install the add-on.

right click on the image, add to evernote, tag it!

right click on the image, add to evernote, don’t forget to tag it!

on the top of your web browser an icon appears

on the top of your web browser an icon appears

this is what the notes look like, they are all tagged

this is what the notes look like, they are all tagged

tags make it easy to find images in a specific gallery

tags make it easy to find images in a specific gallery

What would/could a designer use this tool for?
This application doesn’t leave a lot of room for creativity, it basically is what it is. It has clear set functions and that’s what you can use it for. It is a very nice and easy way to save and share things, especially when you work in a group on a project or something.

Depending on what kind of free this tool is, how “free” is this tool really?
The app contains advertisement and the terms of service make clear that free isn’t free of consequences. You use this app on their terms.
Please add any additional comments below :divider_03
I think Evernote is a very useful app that serves it’s purpose well. It is designed for a few specific functions, which are easy to use and clear.

The most important thing with this application is to get it into your system, use it, a lot! Once it’s in your system, it is a very helpful and easy way to archive notes, images and other things. A great way to have everything at hand whenever you need it.

photography, design, music.

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Geplaatst in 04 Mindmapping & Archiving
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