
This tool was reviewed by :  Guillaume Zwaan


The Good : Free tutorials. They are really well explained, which makes it easy to follow (written below).The quality of the render is strong enough to make something interesting.

The Bad : This application takes a lot of time to operate in a good and quick way. Most of the time it’s not intuitive, and not precise with the trackpad at all.
The Bottomline : Great to see what kind of forms interact in space, in motion. It’s sometime more like a 3D-sculptural application as an artist could approach it.
Rate with 4 stars.


SPECIFICATIONS (objective info) * strike through those which are not applicable


Name tool :

Blender 3D

Blender is 3D creation for everyone, free to use for any purpose.
Free Software, great community, and 100% open. d’écran 2013-05-17 à 10.27.36

Main view on object mode
Capture d’écran 2013-05-17 à 10.26.20

Split screen mode, really handy.

Capture d’écran 2013-05-17 à 10.34.56

Animation mode. Works on the same principle on AfterEffects.


what is it : application


what is it for ? : video | animation | 3D modelingdivider_02

   available export formats are ? : 

Capture d’écran 2013-05-17 à 01.55.11divider_02

this tool functions : after download and installdivider_02

this tool is available for : Linux | Windows | Mac | iOS | freeBSDdivider_02

this tool is : Free Speech


does this tool have a paid version available? no


REVIEW (subjective info)

The user interface Once it’s explained, it becomes more logical, but it still is edgy and a lot of parts are undiscovered yet. – it takes a lot of time -.

Tutorials / Instructions
useful / helpful : 5

clear :  4
quick and easy to understand :  4

are the tutorials to use?

What notable things do other users say about this tool?

It can be improved for laptops, but it still an enjoyable alternative to paying softwares.

Testing the tool (learning by doing – trial and error)

Capture d’écran 2013-05-17 à 09.00.15

First trial on a volume

Capture d’écran 2013-05-17 à 09.00.40

Going further on, with nodle editor on top screen, which is handy to apply many effects on subjects.

Capture d’écran 2013-05-16 à 22.23.42

Glass cube reflections trial

Capture d’écran 2013-05-17 à 02.28.46

Trying to built a column, but the tutorials were hard to get, especially when nerds don’t take time to explain in a simple way.

What would/could a designer use this tool for?
Every work which is supposed to be pre-showned in space, or in motion.

Depending on what kind of free this tool is, how “free” is this tool really?
It’s a completely free application, no obligations, no subscriptions, so they don’t get anything from the user.

Please add any additional comments below :
An impressive application, stuffed with many possibilites, but because of the amount of possibilites, need some long time to get through everything. Still a bit imprecise with the trackpad.

These are quite useful extra’s if you use this application a lot.

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Geplaatst in 02 video / animation, 05 3d-tools

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